Leading K12 Schools in the AI Age: North Carolina AI Guidelines

This session will provide an overview of the NC Generative AI Recommendations and Considerations for PK-13 public schools, a comprehensive living document to guide educational leaders in this transformation including background, roadmap, ready to use resources, and guidance for infusing AI literacy into all grade levels.

Purpose & Objectives:

Challenge: How to responsibly implement AI and ensure AI literacy while also maintaining student privacy and developing ethical AI users?
A roadmap, guidance on tool selection, strategies to develop human capacity in staff and students, specific tools to help support AI literacy such as prompting and ethical AI use frameworks, Acceptable use rubrics, and recommendations for developing policy wil all be employed.
We have just begun the process of leading implementation in North Carolina using our guidelines which were only published 2 weeks ago, so evidence of success is forth coming. However, the guidelines have received high praise from leaders in the field such as Pat Yongpradit, Stefan Bauschard and others.

Curriculum Design & Lesson Planning, EdTech and Emerging Technologies, Instructional Leadership & Coaching, Instructional Strategies
Spotlight/Case Study
All Roles

Presented by


Vera Cubero

Digital Teaching & Learning Consultant

NC Department of Public Instruction

Vera Cubero is the emerging technologies consultant for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). In this role, she leads North Carolina’s AI implementation, and was instrumental in publishing the state’s AI guidelines that provide comprehensive guidance for education leaders. She also led the inaugural North Carolina AI collaboratives, and was project manager for North Carolina’s AI summits, which helped guide district leaders and steering committees in creating AI guidelines and responsibly implementing AI. This year, she’s leading the first day of AI sessions at the annual NCDPI AIM Conference, and is project manager for the North Carolina Emerging Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Summits for students. Cubero has a wide range of experience in K-12 education at the school, district, and state levels, and is passionate about responsible AI implementation and promoting AI literacy for students and staff.

Curriculum Design & Lesson Planning, EdTech and Emerging Technologies, Instructional Leadership & Coaching, Instructional Strategies
Spotlight/Case Study
All Roles