Revolutionize Your Culture and Climate by Understanding Instructional Power

During this interactive session, education leaders and classroom teachers will learn about the power dynamics that shape instructional decision-making and the quality of school culture and climate. Participants will also hear about the four domains of the Power Principle – Empowering, Agentive, Protective, and Disenfranchising – and engage in activities that highlight how classroom educators use decision-making to foster each of these domains in ways that impact student learning and engagement. We’ll use case studies as a vehicle for applying the dimensions of power to better understand the relationship between power dynamics and overall school culture.


This session is appropriate for leaders and teachers.

Participants will:

  • Define a personal power ideology.

  • Learn about the four dimensions of instructional power and how they impact learning environments.

  • Gain an understanding of the intersection of a personal power ideology and the four dimensions of instructional power.

  • Explore strategies to move toward authentic agency-developing learning environments.


Tanji Reed Marshall, Ph.D.

Tanji Reed Marshall, Ph.D., is an expert on educational equity and educational leadership. She has more than two decades of experience in advancing practice on behalf of students of color, those experiencing economic uncertainty, and those perpetually left on the margins of the education system. She partners with states, school districts, schools, and education organizations to solve complex issues related to educational equity and improve educational leadership.


Aerin Marshall-Barnes

Aerin Marshall-Barnes is an equity facilitator, practitioner, and business infrastructure enhancement specialist. Her professional experience and career has centered on nonprofit management, with a specialty in building and sustaining teams. She currently serves as an equity practitioner and consultant, supporting organizations on their equity strategy and team functioning through a human-centered equity lens. Marshall-Barnes’ experience as a middle manager, consultant and infrastructure enhancement specialist has focused on building and supporting inclusive teams, and imagining what equitable human-centered workplaces could be. Her organizational skills, understanding of systems, and ability to create sustainable operating structures support organizational leaders in envisioning larger possibilities and executing their visions.

Free Book Included:

The ASCD book Understanding Your Instructional Power: Curriculum and Language Decisions to Support Each Student is included in your registration and will be distributed at the workshop.

Schedule and Pricing

  • Friday, March 22, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • ASCD24 registration is required to attend Preconference Institutes.
  • Add an institute to your ASCD24 experience for an additional fee.
  • Registration includes an ASCD book.

Super Early Bird

Through Dec. 7


Early Bird

Dec. 8-Feb. 15


Regular Price

Feb. 16-March 22
