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Attendee Mail List Terms And Conditions

Important: A bonded mail house must be used to receive list and distribute mailing. Exhibitors will not receive the list directly.

Purchase a one-time use mailing list for ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual 25 to promote your upcoming exhibit activities or for post-conference follow up. Three available release dates are available. Lists include postal addresses only, and for those attendees who did not opt out from being included. Neither e-mail addresses nor phone numbers are included. A bonded mail house must be used for mailing. We will provide the mailing list to the bonded mail house of your choice, and will provide limited demographic information to you in order to select the attendees you want to receive your mailer.

If multiple mailings are intended you must purchase additional attendee postal mailing lists by contacting Please note that list use is monitored. Companies not adhering to the terms of one rental/one use will be asked to desist immediately and may be prevented from any future rental opportunities.

Guidelines for ISTE Exhibitor Mailers

  • A proof of your mailer must be submitted to for approval.
  • The conference should only be referenced using the following names:
    • ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual Conference 25 (on first reference)
    • ISTELive 25 and ASCD Annual 25
    • ISTELive and ASCD Annual Conference
    • ISTELive and ASCD Annual
  • Mailers that contain the ISTELive logo provided to all exhibitors must follow the Logo Usage Guidelines.