Creating and Executing an Authentic STEM Culture
What does a STEM educator bring to the table? Participants will use their name and create an acronym.
An authentic STEM school will...
table mates will discuss what they believe to be key indicators of an authentic school. Write responses on chart paper. Post/share out
Verify and debunk any myths and focus on shared beliefs
Overview of what AUTHENTIC STEM actually is: Problem solving
Overview of Design Cycle Teaching and Learning, PrBL with RWA.
Distribution of tools needed for the hands-on transdisciplinary activity:
1. Sample Portrait of a Graduate Competencies, from a variety of school districts
2. A novel will be given to each group, which will serve as the foundation for the creation of the "Essential Question.:
3. Standards for core content (for grades 6 - 8)
Groups will mimic student-led instruction, by collaborating and with the tools given, create an essential question, introduce a lesson/learning outcome that is aligned to the standards given and create a culminating "end of unit" transdisciplinary project.
Each group will share out.
( I will circle back with the time for each segment of the presentation)
I will add supporting research articles here.