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Vibrant Voices: Creating Digital Media to Share Stories of San Antonio Art


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Session description

Through an exploration of San Antonio’s Public Art, participants will leverage various digital media tools (photo and video) to creatively interpret and make meaning of art throughout the community. This innovative experience models how creating multimedia propels inquiry-based learning and empowers both teachers and students.


Welcome & Introduction- 10 MINS

-Introductions of facilitators
-Pair share introductions of participants through Looking at Art protocol
-Project sharing permissions

Objective Overview & Background- 20 MINS

-Explain objectives
-Form groups
-Ensure access to resources through the website
-Build understanding of both basic digital multimedia tools and best practices for the collection of digital artifacts (audio, imagery, video) to be able to successfully produce a product that answers the essential question

Walking Tour and Digital Artifact Collection- 60 MINS
-Guided tour of the following art installation in/around the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center
--Harmony en la Esquina
--Cuentos Grotto
--Alas de Mexico
--Francisco Madero
--Liquid Crystal
--American Odyssey
-Participants will collect digital artifacts to then be able to create a multimedia project that answers the essential question

Project Creation & Submission- 30 MINS
-Participants will be asked to create a variety of multimedia products that answers the essential question
--What stories can be told about the community through interpreting San Antonio art?
-Submission of multimedia projects to presenters who will then share all projects (with granted permission by participants) with ISTE Live 2025 through the session website.

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Teacher/Faculty (PK-12)
Flagstaff Unified School District
Learning, Technology & Innovation Coordi
Flagstaff Unified School District
Assistant Director Learning & Innovation
Flagstaff Unified School District

Session specifications


Creativity and Storytelling


Teacher Development, Teacher, Technology Coach/Trainer

Attendee devices:

Devices required

Attendee device specification:

Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows

Participant accounts, software and other materials:

Ensure access mobil device with app(s) that allow: Photos, video, photo filters, and basic photo editing tools.

Subject area:

Arts - Visual, Technology Education