Welcome & Introduction- 10 MINS
-Introductions of facilitators
-Pair share introductions of participants through Looking at Art protocol
-Project sharing permissions
Objective Overview & Background- 20 MINS
-Explain objectives
-Form groups
-Ensure access to resources through the website https://sites.google.com/fusd1.org/iste25sanantonioart?usp=sharing
-Build understanding of both basic digital multimedia tools and best practices for the collection of digital artifacts (audio, imagery, video) to be able to successfully produce a product that answers the essential question
Walking Tour and Digital Artifact Collection- 60 MINS
-Guided tour of the following art installation in/around the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center
--Harmony en la Esquina
--Cuentos Grotto
--Alas de Mexico
--Francisco Madero
--Liquid Crystal
--American Odyssey
-Participants will collect digital artifacts to then be able to create a multimedia project that answers the essential question
Project Creation & Submission- 30 MINS
-Participants will be asked to create a variety of multimedia products that answers the essential question
--What stories can be told about the community through interpreting San Antonio art?
-Submission of multimedia projects to presenters who will then share all projects (with granted permission by participants) with ISTE Live 2025 through the session website.