Welcome (15 minutes)
Sharing of information among participants (i.e. where they are from on an interactive map). Simple on-table activity to meet/get to know the other participants at their table, and a pre-session quick questionnaire.
Introductions of Facilitators, Goals and Expectations, Introduction of participants
Early Learners and Technology (15 minutes)
Interactive presentation with hands-on activity and discussion
Early Learners and ISTE Standards (30 minutes)
Interactive presentations, peer discussion and hands-on activities providing real-world examples of ISTE Standards in action.
STEM Concepts, Activities, and Technology (55 minutes)
Explore ideas and concepts for integrating technology in STEM learning PreK-3rd grade age groups. Hands-on activity samples and discussion.
Computational Thinking (20 minutes)
Presentation explores the 4 pillars of CT through early learning appropriate examples and activities. Interactive Presentation and Activities.
Sneak Peek of Preliminary ISTE Professional Learning Experiences (course, module) for Applying ISTE Standards to STEM learning for Early Childhood Educators (30 minutes)
Participants explore (a portion of) the draft of the new professional learning module/course and apply their learning on ISTE Standards, STEM concepts, and Computational thinking and reflect on their local context to provide feedback on the new course/module. Interactive presentation and peer discussion.
Reflection, Next Steps, and Call to Action (20 minutes)
Sharing thoughts and ideas via an online site/document which can be referenced and updated after the conference.
Evaluation (5 minutes)
Participants complete a short questionnaire about their experience in the forum
The ideas articulated in this forum are supported by the four research-based guiding principles for use of technology with early learners articulated in the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology’s Policy Brief on Early Learning and Use of Technology (https://tech.ed.gov/files/2016/10/Early-Learning-Tech-Policy-Brief.pdf):
Guiding Principle #1: Technology—when used appropriately—can be a tool for learning.
Guiding Principle #2: Technology should be used to increase access to learning opportunities for all children.
Guiding Principle #3: Technology may be used to strengthen relationships among parents, families, early educators, and young children.
Guiding Principle #4: Technology is more effective for learning when adults and peers interact or co-view with young children.
Bers, Marina Umaschi. (2022). Beyond Coding: How Children Learn Values through Programming. MIT Press.