Welcome (10 Minutes)
- Briefly introduce the importance of building a culture of recognition and positivity within teams.
- Outline the station rotations and explain the overall session flow.
- Set the tone by engaging participants with a high-energy icebreaker (e.g., participants pair up to share one recent "win" they've had, personal or professional).
Station-Rotation = Each station will last 10 minutes with a 2-minute transition between stations.
1) Digital Hype
Objective: Participants explore digital tools and platforms (like Google Slides, Canva, or Padlet) to create personalized recognition for their colleagues. These can be shared digitally through email or social media.
Activity: Participants design a sample "hype message" (e.g., congratulatory graphics, memes, or videos) that they could share to celebrate a colleague's success.
2) Social Shout-outs
Objective: Learn how to amplify wins on social media by highlighting the impact of positive recognition publicly.
Activity: Participants draft a social media post (Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn) that celebrates a colleague or team member. Discuss hashtags, tagging, and the use of visuals to increase visibility and engagement.
3) Public vs. Private Recognition (10 minutes)
Objective: Explore the balance between public and private recognition and how to tailor the approach based on individual preferences.
Activity: Participants reflect on scenarios where they would use public versus private recognition. They’ll brainstorm examples and share their preferences for receiving feedback. Discuss tools like handwritten notes, email vs. social shout-outs, etc.
4) Professional Love Languages
Objective: Based on the concept of “love languages,” participants will identify how to tailor recognition to individual team members’ preferences.
Activity: Participants take a brief quiz to discover their own professional "love language" via the Ketterman Colors Test (acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time, etc.). Discuss how to incorporate this into their team's recognition strategies.
5) Celebration Rituals
Objective: Develop team traditions or rituals that consistently celebrate wins, no matter how small.
Activity: Participants brainstorm small, repeatable actions or celebrations (like "Friday Wins" emails, monthly team shout-outs, or victory dances) that can be implemented immediately.
6) Feedforward for Growth
Objective: Recognize that feedback isn’t just about celebrating wins, but also encouraging growth.
Activity: Participants practice delivering “growth-oriented recognition,” offering positive feedback that acknowledges efforts while motivating continuous improvement.
Celebration (8 minutes)
Wrap up with a group reflection. Each participant shares one new idea they will implement in their workplace to hype up their team.
Encourage participants to connect with each other for ongoing support.
Building trust: Leadership reflections on community empowerment and engagement in a large urban initiative https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10304359/
How To Build Community And Why It Matters So Much https://www.forbes.com/sites/tracybrower/2020/10/25/how-to-build-community-and-why-it-matters-so-much/
Cultivating a Sense of Belonging and Community in Adult Education https://worlded.org/cultivating-a-sense-of-belonging-and-community-in-adult-education/
Ketterman Color Test: https://gash2016.weebly.com/uploads/3/2/2/9/32294787/true_colors_test.pdf
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