Introduction of Smithsonian Science Education Center and EIR grant (5 minutes)
Outline 5-year Early Phase EIR grant where two levels of curriculum-associated professional learning was presented
Review of virtual professional learning experiences (10 minutes)
Considerations leading to virtual HQPL (COVID, location, timing)
Delivery of virtual training (Zoom meeting vs webinar, materials management, time management, example of training guide)
Pros and Cons of virtual PL based on our experience and conference attendees insight
Review of hybrid professional learning experiences (10 minutes)
Considerations leading to hybrid HQPL (COVID, location, timing, modeling instruction)
Delivery of hybrid training (Zoom meeting vs webinar, materials management, time management, example of training guide)
Pros and Cons of hybrid PL based on our experience and conference attendees insight
Review of in person professional learning experiences (10 minutes)
Considerations leading to in person HQPL (instruction modeling, networking, participant buy in)
Delivery of in person training (location choice, materials management, time management, example of training guide)
Pros and Cons of in person PL based on our experience and conference attendees insight
Conclusion (15 minutes)
Identify key elements of professional learning
Suggest best case use of each type of PL
Audience engagement techniques:
Participant feedback on pros and cons of presentation methods through Poll everywhere
Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M., & Hardner, M. (2017). Effective Teacher Professional Development. Learning Policy Institute.