Intro - 5 minutes
Quick overview defining 3D printing and design
Shown examples of 3D printing across the curriculum
Creating - 40+ minutes
Sign in to TinkerCAD and learn the fundamentals of navigating and create
Create a flat object like a keychain
Create taller object
Learn how to create a 3D print from an image including a hand-drawn image
(Wonderful for those working with students with special needs or younger students.)
Concluding and saving work- 5+ minutes
End the workshop with at least 3 different files that are ready to be printed.
Future thinking about the implications of 3D printing in education
Gimbel, E. (2019, June 10). The Resurgence of 3D Printers in Modern Learning Environments. EdTech Magazine. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2019/06/resurgence-3d-printers-modern-learning-environments-perfcon
Hull, C. (n.d.). 3D Printing and Education. ResearchGate. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christos-Drosos-2/publication/338013231_3D_Printing_and_Education/links/5dfc66d1a6fdcc28372ed8a0/3D-Printing-and-Education.pdf
Mak, J. (2014, July 29). ISTE. ISTE. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://www.iste.org/explore/Toolbox/Introduce-your-students-to-3D-printing
Morra, S. (2016, February 1). 3D Print From Any Image – Transform Learning ~ written by Samantha Morra. Transform Learning ~ written by Samantha Morra. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://samanthamorra.com/2016/02/01/3d-print-from-any-image/
ExoPET 3D: Sustainability Printing With Exotic PET, Arduino UNO and Ender V3